Brenda Garcia
Brenda Garcia
Accounting Compliance Officer
Leaco Rural Telephone Coop Inc.
Brenda Garcia currently manages the accounting regulatory functions for Leaco’s multi-company structure. Throughout her twenty-eight years with the Cooperative, Brenda’s experience includes supervision and training of accounting staff, keeping current on telco and accounting regulatory items and passing those on to her team, interviewing and selection of applicants, meeting governmental reporting deadlines, among many other critical tasks. She has completed numerous industry training courses and contributes to the success of Leaco both inside and outside of the office.
Currently, Brenda serves as Secretary on the Board of the Economic Development Corporation of Lovington and is Secretary/Treasurer of the Board for Estacado Federal Credit Union.
Brenda is from Lovington, lives and raises her family in Lovington, and works in Lea County. She has a vested interest in the ultimate success and growth of her community.