Business Incentives

The New Mexico Economic Development Department (NMEDD) offers an array of incentives that help local businesses like yours to expand. They have a Business Development Team that is ready to make the phone calls, do the math, and analyze the stats to figure out what tax credits and incentive programs benefit you. The Lovington Economic Development Corporation will be the liaison between your business and NMEDD and will facilitate the processes involved to bring your project online. The City of Lovington also offers local incentives that can benefit your business.

The New Mexico Economic Development Department (EDD) is granted authority to administer Local Economic Development Act capital outlay (LEDA CO) funds to local governments (county, municipality, or tribal entity) to
Local Economic Development Act In addition to business incentives offered by the State of New Mexico, cities and counties frequently offer them also. More than 62 New Mexico cities
New Mexico New Mexico offers a unique quality of life: A blend of rich, ancient cultures, an artist's colony that dates back thousands of years, and a myriad of
Community Development Revolving Loan Fund Loan of up to $250,000.00 to assist in creating new jobs and prosperity May be used for infrastructure improvements, acquisition of real property,